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At Sopra Banking Software, we help banks and lenders from around the world make financial services accessible to everyone, everywhere, at any time. As your technology-trusted partner, we design, build and run the solutions you need.

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For banks

Mobile – open – core banking, build and run a digital-native bank in Europe, Middle East, or Africa with the Sopra Banking Platform.

  • 500+ million customers
  • 1,300 banking institutions
  • 80+ countries live

For lenders

Automotive – equipment – commercial finance, build and run best-in-class financing solutions worldwide with the Sopra Financing Platform.

  • 500+ implementations
  • 200+ clients
  • 50+ countries live

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Combine our banking and financing platforms with solutions from our partners to rapidly build unique products that will delight your customers. Whether you are a retail bank, corporate bank, or specialist lender, browse our marketplace and be inspired.

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